As & As

In keeping with trying some new things to improve my running I went to Pilates this week. Sandra gave me a few sessions as my 'push' present to help get me back to my normal self. I cursed her a lot during that hour...well as much as I could between the screams coming from my whole body. My abs were so sore my ribs hurt for 3 days! And my arms? I grimaced every time I had to pick up James. Aside from the names I was calling Sandra I kept thinking...this is totally going to help my running. So yep I'm a glutton for punishment and will be back next week.

Running-wise I feel like I'm still on a taper. My workload in the office doubled while I was on leave so getting back into my routine has been tougher than I thought it would. I know I'll figure it out but right now it feels like I'll never run more than 4 miles again. I've also decided to do MAF training for the next 3-6 months. So now I'm running 4 slow miles a day. Next week will be better though and slowly we'll get there. Eventually I'll have a routine...and boys that sleep...
Mom forgot to bring extra pants to school...
real men wear pink!

James is moving up to the preschool room over the next couple weeks. That can only mean one thing...time to buy a chalkboard so I can take the obligatory First Day of Preschool 3k photos. Really I'm excited though I think this will be a really good move for him. And since we're all worried about the transition and doing all sorts of things to make it easier on him it means he's going to breeze through the transition and look at us like what was all the fuss about? 

Robert is getting happier...although I would be happier if he would sleep a bit longer. Some day...

still unimpressed...

finally a fall day


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