
Playing in the lake
It felt good to finally get back to a full training week. It was a crazy week of therapies and work meetings, but after a few low mileage weeks my legs were screaming to get back to running. It was not easy to log the miles this week. A lot of 4:30 am wake up calls to get in 3 miles in the neighborhood. Then it was either meet Dan at Apex for another morning run or head to Apex for an afternoon run. I didn't have any super exciting runs, but each day on the trail I was happy I had managed to get out.

Even though these two-a-days weren't huge workouts I could still feel it in my legs by Friday. Friday morning James had a cardiology follow-up, everything is still looking stable so just keep following-up. But it meant no Friday long run. Even without a long run this week I still managed 55.5 miles which was no easy feat! And with a marathon with around 6k of vert next weekend a week off of a long run is probably just what the coach ordered. This weekend was filled with Bear Creek miles pushing James. Dan had just done a Hope double so I was stuck with nearly every stroller mile. I kept telling myself that the extra 30lbs I was pushing would pay off at Run Rabbit. Those hills will seem so much easier when it's just me right? We did stop and let James play in the lake on Saturday. He seemed to have an absolute blast! He kept stomping in the water and was laughing like crazy.

Bear Creek Lake Park
Dan and I were also back on house duty and this time we finally got around to staining the deck. I also figure it must count for something when after a 12 mile running pushing James I spend the next several hours working in the yard. Maybe that's just my way of rationalizing not having a long run. Regardless I can't be upset about this weeks training. I got in the miles and even managed some vert. I felt really good too so I think a few low mileage weeks was actually good for my training, again maybe just me rationalizing the low mileage. But really my legs felt good and I was running fast for me times at a pretty easy effort level.

James' walking has been getting better and better. He's even starting to reach out for your hand if you hold your hand out. Seeing him reach for my hand is one of those small moments that means the world to me. Maybe it's because he's not calling me mom yet, or maybe a hundred other reasons, but reaching out for my hand and walking along side me meant the world to me and melted my heart. 

Pool Party!
Week July 14 - 20

Miles Running: 55.5
Hours Hiking and Running: 10


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